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Edwards, Jason A.  

Pilat, Stefan

Wnuk, Michael P.

Vsezemju Slavju Kongres es veditju ot siem cxlenju Prezidentju Grup, grup om siem rovnju so-prezidentis, i do tri sekretarnikis. Prezidentis delatu vse resxenies sodinuo i demokratuo. Cxislo prezidentis vo prezidentgrup es ograncilju om 7 i cxislo sekretarnikis om 3. Otvetost kazxd Prezidentuf es iskat kompromisju razresxenies, bezvnimauo svoi vlasnju interes; razresxenies ktor es naidobrju dla bolsxost vse Slavju ludifs. Konsultenies i besedenies Prezidentifs slucxitu sovremuo cxerez internet, ili cxerez  inju komunikacju sredok. Osobaju vstreties slucxitu tolk gda potrebju.

Prezidentis om Prezidentju Grup es oznacxilju ot sekretarnik, vsegda dla din rocx. Tutvremuo ne es ograncilju skolk usledju rocxis kazxd Prezident mozx sluzxit vo Prezidentju Grup. Vsektor Prezident dolzx vnov but oznacxilju kazxd rocx, i dolzx vnov prinat oznacxenie abi statil Prezident (1 iz 7) dla prinalezxitsju rocx.

Sekretarnikis imatu nikai glosju pravos, oni imatu tolk pravo oznacxit novju Prezidentis, kazxd rocx, i polucxit ot kazxd oznacxilju Prezident toi prinatie. Novju panslavju sekretarnikis mozx but izvolilju ot dva tritinkis bolsxost cxlenifs om Prezidentju Grup; prinaimensx 5 ko 2 bolsxost.

Ni inju cxlenis om Panslavia, ni libkai inju osobis imatu nekai glosju pravos, ni pravo oznacxit novju Prezidentis ili novju Sekretarnikis.


Всеземйу Славйу Конгрес ес ведитйу от сием членйу Президентйу Груп, груп ом сием ровнйу со-президентис, и до три секретарникис. Президентис делату все решениес содинуо и демократуо. Число президентис во президентгруп ес огранцилйу ом 7 и число секретарникис ом 3. Ответост кажд Президентуф ес искат компромисйу разрешениес, безвнимауо свои власнйу интерес; разрешениес ктор ес наидобрйу дла болшост все Славйу лудифс. Консултениес и беседениес Президентифс случиту совремуо через интернет, или через инйу комуникацйу средок. Особайу встретиес случиту толк гда потребйу.

Президентис ом Президентйу Груп ес означилйу от секретарник, всегда дла дин роч. Тутвремуо не ес огранцилйу сколк уследйу рочис кажд Президент мож служит во Президентйу Груп. Всектор Президент долж внов бут означилйу кажд роч, и долж внов принат означение аби статил Президент (1 из 7) дла приналежитсйу роч.

Секретарникис имату никаи глосйу правос, они имату толк право означит новйу Президентис, кажд роч, и получит от кажд означилйу Президент тои принатие. Новйу панславйу секретарникис мож бут изволилйu от два тритинкис болшост членифс ом Президентйу Груп; принаименш 5 ко 2 болшост.

Ни инйу членис ом Панславиа, ни либкаи инйу особис имату некаи глосйу правос, ни право означит новйу Президентис или новйу Секретарникис.


World Slavic Congress is Governed by a  seven member Presidential Council, a group of co-Presidents, all equal to each other, and up to three secretaris. They make all decisions together, in a democratic way. The number of Presidents on the Council is limited to 7 and the number of secretaries to 3. The duty of each President is to seek compromise solutions, regardless of their own interests, solutions which are the best for the majority of all Slavic people. Consultations and discussions of the Presidents take currently place over the Internet, or by other telecommunications means. Personal meetings take place only when necessary.

Presidents of the Council are nominated by Panslavia secretary always for one year. Currently there is no limit on the number of consecutive years each President can serve on the Presidential council. Each President has to be renominated every year, and has to accept the nomination in order to become a President (one of 7) for the year in question.

The Secretary, nas no voting rights, he/she has only the  right to nominate new Presidents each year and to receive from each of the nominees his/her acceptance. A new Panslavia secretary can be selected by a two-third majority of the members of the Presidential council; a minimum 5 to 2 majority.

Neither other members of Panslavia, nor any other persons have any voting rights, nor the right to nominate either new Presidents or a new Secretary.



History of Slavic movements:

Prague Slav Congress
(May, 1848--June, 1848)

Assembly of Slavic delegates mostly from the Habsburg Monarchy during the period of governmental instability in Austria. The Congress was intended by its conveners to counter the grossdeutsche plans being discussed at the Frankfort Parliament and rising Magyar nationalism. The Congress was the first organized attempt at political cooperation between the Slavs of East Central Europe.

The Congress produced two manifestoes, neither of which was acted upon by the Emperor, before being broken up by Imperial troops during the imposition of martial law in Prague. Despite its lack of concrete results, the Congress was a major step forward in the strengthening of the political characteristics of Slavic national consciousness in East Central Europe.

During the revolutionary spring of 1848 leading members of the Czech liberal middle class became concerned that the Slavs of the Habsburg Monarchy were threatened on all sides, either by the Germans, Magyars, Russians and that only in the Monarchy could they find safety. The clearest exposition of this belief is contained in the famous letter from the Czech historian Frantiek Palackэ in response to an invitation to attend the Frankfort Parliament. Palacky wrote: "if the Austrian Empire had not already existed for centuries, one would have to make all speed, in the interest of Europe and humanity itself, to create it."

Invitations to the Congress were sent to leading Slavs of all classes across East Central Europe. Of the 341 delegates who arrived in Prague in May, two groups were noteworthy by their absence. Russian Poles were not permitted to attend and only two members of the Slav aristocracy decided to participate.

From the very beginning it was clear that the primary aim of the Congress was to strengthen the Habsburg Monarchy as a home for its Slavic peoples. The agenda was divided into four main areas of discussion: the importance of the Slavs to Austria; the relationship of the Habsburg Slavs to one another; relations between Habsburg Slavs and Slavs outside the Monarchy; the relations between the Slavs and the non-Slavic peoples of Europe.

The best intentions of the Czech liberals who initiated the Congress were partly thwarted by the more radical agenda of a number of the delegates. Some of these more radical proposals came from representatives of the Slovenes and the Ruthenes who rejected the idea of a federal Monarchy organized on the basis of existing crownlands. Instead representatives of these two nations, neither of which had a crownland to call their own, demanded a reorganization of the Monarchy along ethnic lines.

The Congress also experienced difficulty over how to resolve the Polish question. Polish delegates from Austria and Prussia refrained from openly calling for a reconstituted Polish state, but the fact remained that if Poland was recreated, Austria would be substantially weakened. Rather than calling for the independence of Galicia from Austria, the Poles promoted a pan-Slavic unity that was not based upon existing political entities. This program was also echoed, in a way, by the future anarchist leader, Mikail Bakunin, the lone delegate to arrive in Prague from Russia.

Despite these divisions, the Austro-Slav vision of the Czech liberals prevailed and the Congress issued two manifestoes. The first was an address to the Emperor that requested a reorganization of the Slavic parts of the Habsburg Monarchy on the basis of the existing crownlands. The three Czech lands were to be united as were all Serb territories in Hungary; for the Croats there would be the Triune Kingdom and a single administration for the Slovenes. Galacia was to remain unified, but the Ruthenian language was to be elevated to an equal status with Polish. The second manifesto was a proclamation to the peoples, which affirmed the delegates' solidarity with all the Slavs, demanded equality with the Germans and Magyars in the Empire and a reorganization of the Empire into a federation of nationalities. That this last demand was not spelled out in detail is an indication of the difficulty that the Congress had reconciling the historic and ethnic programs of the various Slav nations.

The Prague Slav Congress was the moment when the leading Slav figures in the Habsburg Monarchy had to face this problem of ethnic vs. political nationalism and is important because the results of the Congress marked out the middle ground in the contentious debates that would follow over the next sixty years.



SLOVAK: Panslavisticky prezidentsky koncil Svetovy Slovansky Kongres je vedeny sedemclennym prezidentskym koncilom,skupinou spolupracujucich prezidentov,vsetkych rovnych navzajom.Vykonavaju vsetky rozhodnutia spolu,v demokratickom zmysle.Pocet prezidentov koncilu je limitovany na sedem.Ulohou kazdeho prezidenta je hladat kompromisne riesenia,bez ohladu na ich vlastne zaujmy,riesenia,ktore su najlepsie pre vacsinu slovanskych ludi. Konzultacie a diskusie prezidentov sa v sucastnosti odohravaju prostrednictvom internetu,ale inych telekomunikacnych zariadeni. Osobne stretnutia sa deju len vtedy,ked je to nevyhnutne. Prezidenti koncilu su nominovani panslavistickym sekretarom vzdy na dobu jedneho roka.V sucastnosti nieje limitovany pocet za sebou nasledujucich rokov,pocas ktorych mozu prezidenti byt aktivni v prezidentskom koncile.Kazdy prezident musi byt renominovany kazdy rok,a musi akceptovat nominaciu v zaujme stania sa prezidentom(jednym zo 7)na dobu jedneho roka. Sekretar nema volicske prava,on(a) ma pravo iba nominovat novych prezidentov kazdy rok a obdrzat od kazdeho z nominovanych jeho prijatie.Novy panslavisticky sekretar moze byt vybrany dvoj-tretinovou vacsinou z clenov prezidentskeho koncilu; minimalne 5 ku 2. Ani ini clenovia Panslavie,ani ine osoby nemaju volicske prava,alebo pravo nominacie novych prezidentov alebo noveho sekretara. Nominacie roku 2002: Hore sa nachadza zoznam nominovanych prezidentov do panslavistickeho prezidentskeho koncilu na buduci rok.Zoznam nominovanych na miesta v prezidentskom koncile je v abecednom poradi. Sekretar: