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Panslavic Language.

Slavic People are one people, one race, one nation, originally speaking the same language, and today speaking several dialects of the same language. Over the centuries the dialects have gradually drifted apart. Nevertheless, to this day, any two Slavic people, no matter where they come from, can talk to each other without major difficulties.

Panslavic language is a neutral Slavic language, uniting the cultures and economies of the Slavic peoples, enabling them to communicate directly with one another, using the same, neutral Panslavic Language. SLOVIO   is the first pan-slavic language, first published with all it's grammar in summer of 2001. In 2002 there are known two other attempts to create a pan-Slavic language:   Slovo   and  Proslava .

What is the basic difference between SLOVIO and the other two attempts? Slovio is a very simplified universal planned Slavic language, with simple and logical grammar, and with simplified spelling and pronounciation. It is easy to learn, read, write and pronounce not only for Slavic speakers, but for all speakers of any language. It is not only a universal Slavic language but also a universal international language.  On the other hand, Slovo follows another philosophy. It's aim is the creation of a universal Slavic language with all the usual complexities of grammar, accents, spelling and pronounciation. Slovo emphasizes its origin from and its similarity to the original pan-slavic language. Its main goal is the simplification of the communication between Slavic speakers and to a lesser extent between the speakers of other languages. Proslava is somewhere between Slovio and Slovo. The basic vocabularies of Slovio, Slovo and Proslava, just like those of the other Slavic languages, are very similar, and these 3   variants of the pan-slavic language are mutually intelligible.

While Slavic Languages are very similar to each other, and mutually intelligible, because of the vastness of the territories inhabited by Slavic peoples, over the centuries, many annoying differences in grammar and writing have developed. It is the role of the World Slavic Congress  to develop a common Slavic Language, very logical, easy to learn by all peoples of the World, and understandable without learning to all Slavic peoples. Effort on the first common slavic language has succeeded in 2001 with the creation and publication of SLOVIO.   TOWNN.COM

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letter01.gif (838 bytes) DOPIS 1.
Zdrav udragju priatel:

Hvala dla tvoi email. Kak znasx, mlodju Slavju ludis vo Sodinju Sxtatis om Amerik zapomnitu svoi Slavju korenis, svoi kulturis i svoi jazikas. Kak mi mozx pomocit? Normalju Slavju jazikas es premnog slozxju dla mlodju ludis i imatu slozxju gramatik. Nikto imat vrem dla ucxenie om takai slozxju jazikas. No Slovio es plus prostju i plus logikju cxem angloju jazika. I Slovio mozxuo pisat i cxitat na vsektor komputer. Dumam zxe Slovio mozx spasit nasx mlodju ludis ne tolk vo Amerik no tozx vo Sorbia (Germania) i vo inju zemis. Ludis vo Sorbia potrebitu tozx prostju Slavju jazika, dla spasenie om svoi Slavju kultur i korenis.

Nadeam zxe gda mi bu imat Slavju gazetis pisalju vo Slovio, i Slovio knigis dla ucxenie Slovio i Slavju kultur, mi mozx spasit nasx mlodju ludis na celoju Zemla.

Dla uspeh.
Tvoi drug

letter01.gif (838 bytes) DOPIS 2.
Glubinuo uvazxju Profesor:

Bo ja znam problem ktor nasx Slavju ludis imatu so komunikacia, ja pisam vi vo vse-Slavju jazika Slovio. Tozx poslam vi razlicxju inju tekstis pisalju vo jazika Slovio. Prosim, pisajte mi esli vi razumil vse. Esli imate problem so nektor slovis, pisajte mi ktor. Blagodarim vi.

Do videnie
Vasx priatel

letter01.gif (838 bytes)DOPIS 3.

Blagodarim dla tvoi dopis. Ja es scxastju ti razumil vsesxto vo moi dopis. Li ti imasx esxte mnoguo robenie so tvoi program? Pocx ti ne pomocisx mne so Slovio? Slovio es pervju vse-Slavju jazika. Slovio es velm prostju jazika, ktor vse ludis mozx ucxit velm bistruo. Slovio imajt prostju gramatik i prostju slovis. Slovio es maks prostju jazika, plus prostju cxem Esperantio, ili cxem Volapukio. Cxtirsto milion ludis na celoju Zemla razumitu Slovio bez ucxenie. Cxtirsto milion ludis vo Polakzem, Serbzem, Ruszem, Bulgarzem, Hrvatzem, Cxehzem, Slovakzem, Slovenzem, Ukrainzem, Belaruszem, Kazahzem i vo mnogju inju zemis. Slavju ludis es na celoju Zemla.

Do videnie, do slisxenie, do pisanie i do cxitanie!

bt1y.gif (862 bytes) inju Slovio tekstis



Herkel, J.
Elementa universalis linguae Slavicae
Budae [Budapest]: 1826 (164 p.)
[Lingua Slavica Universalis; specimen: Za starego vieku byla jedna kralica, koja mala tri prelepije dievice: milicu, krasicu a mudricu...]

Hosek, Ignác (1852-1919)
Grammatik der Neuslavischen Sprache
Kremsier: 1907 (131 p.)
491.8 H79g

Kolkop, Edmund
Jevicko, Moravia: E. Bohacek, 1913


Slovio, the Universal Slavic Language:


There are several basic criteria that Slovio, the Universal Slavic Language has to meet:

1. The alphabet, has to be such that it would be clearly understood and easily learned not only by all Slavic peoples, but by all peoples of the World.

2. The alphabet and spelling system must be compatible with the major languages of the world and must not create any confusion for English, German, French, Spanish, Japanese nor Chinese speakers.

3. The spelling system has to be such that Slovio Language can accept and absorb words from other languages without the need to change their spelling. That's why the spelling system of the Slovio Language has to be such as to make clear distinction between Slavic and non Slavic words, without creating any confusion between them.

4. The letters and symbols used by Slovio Language have to be present on all the   contemporary computer keyboards of the world, and have to be legible by all standard browsers and operating systems. In other words, compatibility with U.S. keyboard is mandatory.

5. The pronounciation and grammar must be simplified in order to be easily learned by non-slavic speakers.

6. The spoken and written Slovio Language must be easily understood by all Slavic speakers, without a need for special training. The vocabulary must be based on all Slavic languages, always selecting those words which are most universally understood by the largest number of Slavic speakers.

7. Slovio Language must be suitable for commercial purposes, as well  as for educational, politicial and commercial internet presentations.

8. Slovio Language should try, whenver possible, use wovels and consonants pleasant to the ear and suitable for poetry, song and arts. At the same time it should be logical, with simple, regular and logical grammar.

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